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3.5 stars 10 reviews

Apple Store

3035 Boul Le Carrefour
Laval, QC  H7T 1C8

(450) 902-4400

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Commentaires [1]
3.5 star rating
hello!jello! Montreal, Quebec 12 septembre 2010
true to their words

apple stores are one of the most organized and reliable companies. there was once a problem on my macbook and had to be sent for repair. they answered all my questions and fixed all the problems within the expected time of repair. they are reliable and offer great service. a suggestion: when purchasing anything from apple, you MUST buy the apple care (max 3yrs) WORTH IT for sure!!

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3.5 star rating
18 octobre 2015

I've got to say this place is Huge ! It was always huge but it has grown double in size over the years. They have recently changed their uniforms to a grey feel which is kind of a deception in my eyes because we can no longer tell who they are or really spot them if we need them. They've got this incognito feel to the new tshirt colour. I really loved the old coloured uniform in blue because it... plus

Une présentation de yelp

3.5 star rating
17 octobre 2015

Location: In Le Carrefour Laval, near The Bay.

The place: It's your typical Apple store - big, high ceilings, packed with people.

The goods: For me, the 'goods' involved an appointment at the Genius bar because of an issue I was having with my Mac. I initially chatted with an Apple person online, and they sorted me out with an appointment in Laval - I didn't even have to call or do it myself!... plus

Une présentation de yelp

3.5 star rating
06 septembre 2015

Very good location in Carrefour and very helpful staff besides having apple products that are excellent

Une présentation de yelp

Description de l’entreprise provenant du Web
26 août 2013

Apple Store Carrefour Laval offers these services: computer, informatics, used, computer equipment.

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