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Skyway Fine Cars

375 Lake Street
St Catharines, ON  L2N 4H3

(905) 641-3421

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Reviews [1]
1 star rating
Coral January 08, 2009
Do not deal with skyway fine cars

I bought a car in May 2008. I had told Peter, the finance guy, that I want the full warranty, I did not want to have to worry about anything for the next 2 years. He said no problem...big salesman smirk on his face...makes you feel like he actually is listening. I know they don't care, but repeat business should be a goal. Two weeks later the arm for my wipers broke...snapped right on the highway during a rain storm. I took it in, and low and behold...no problem. Just take it into Henley's and it'll be fixed. I asked him straight out if this is covered. His response was "Oh don't worry about it. It is not going to cost you a cent." After it was fixed and I was speaking to the woman getting my receipt ready I said how I was surprise but so happy it was covered on my warranty...she replied with.."ummm its not covered. Skyway is paying for it". I snapped. Peter made sure that I felt like everything was ok...but it wasn't. If I hadn't said anything to that woman I would've been screwed right? I called Peter and his response was that he sold me the powertrain warranty only because he "thought" that I didn't want the other one cause it would cost me $300 more. I told him that I had already said I wanted a full warranty so I didn't have to worry about anything. I took him the $300 and he uped my warranty. In six months I started having issues with my car not starting. I called Peter and was now told that that part might not be covered. I understand that and said I want it looked and and fixed...GUESS WHAT!!! The warranty he gave me and we had such a long talk about...there is a $100 deductible on it. YUP!!! Everytime I take my car in and it IS covered...it'll cost me $100 anyway. I snapped again...his excuse this time...same excuse...it was more expensive...another $300...no one ever wants that one...I said I do...If I need parts replace 3 times in 2 years it makes up for it and after I brought you $300 to up my warranty which you screwed up on in the first place...why would you not tell me there is a deductible;e and I might want to up it again? DO NOT DEAL WITH THIS COMPANY....EVEN WHEN YOU TELL THEM STRAIGHT OUT WHAT YOU WANT THEY WILL SCREW YOU OVER. I have written 3 emails to the parent company Henley Honda so we will see if the issue is resolved...not holding my breath though.

UPDATE: I have been contacted by Peter directly, and only about 10 min after sending another email. He is going to see what he can do about getting my car in. The warranty can not be changed because it is all finalized, which I understand. But I may only have to pay half of the deductible. My warning stands as far as just telling them what you want...asking straight out if thats what you got, will not get you an honest answer. Take all the papers home and do the research yourself as to what the warranties cover....THEN and only then, sign the papers.

Other Reviews from the web
1 star rating
Don't deal with skyway!!
January 07, 2009

I bought a car from them and at purchase told Peter that I wanted a full warranty. This was all done and 2 weeks later the wiper arm broke. I took it in and he told me to take it to Henley to get fixed. I asked him outright "Is this covered on my warranty?" He said "oh dont worry, it wont cost you a cent." I took it to Henley and while getting the receipt I commented on how impressed I was that... more

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