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1.5 stars 18 reviews

Kal Tire

1616 14th Ave
Calgary, AB  T2H 2V1

(403) 284-4809

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Information from the business
October 27, 2018


Kal Tire is a Canadian based business and one of Canada's largest independent tire dealers. Visit a Kal Tire shop near you for your tire, wheel/rim, mechanical service, oil change and alignment needs.

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1.5 star rating
October 03, 2018

Because this shop is so close to my home I have given them numerous chances. They have left my lights on so the battery was dead when I went to pick up my car. They phoned numerous times telling me to pick up a car that didn't belong to me. They said my car would be ready in an hour, so I waited at the shop only to find out two hours later that they had forgot about me. They sent me home with... more

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1.5 star rating
April 16, 2018

Took my car in for an oil change.  They noted that my front brakes had to be replaced and quoted me 700$.  Then they called me back to tell me that based on the engine, they would require an additional 2 hours of labor to do the brakes and upped my quote to 1000$.  They also quoted me 86$ to replace my tail lights and turn signals.I called the GM dealer to ask for a quote to get the front... more

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1.5 star rating
November 06, 2017

KalTire North Hill is terribly disorganized and inconsistent. Since this is the closest automotive shop to where I live, I have given them several chances for the sake of convenience, but it has barely ever proven to be worth it. Some examples of bad service are rarely answering or returning phone calls and mixed messages from different employees on when to drop off my car or to whether to... more

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