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2.5 stars 2 reviews

Demong Associate Eyecentre

330-290 Midpark Way SE
Calgary, AB  T2X 1P1

(403) 214-6007

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Information from the business
July 21, 2013


Surgical Eye Care (pre-and post-operative care), including Laser Vision Correction, Lens Surgeries, Corneal Collagen Crosslinking, Cataract Surgery and Corneal Transplant Procedures. All Surgery is performed at our private surgical suite, Rocky Mountain Surgery Centre, adjacent to our clinic.


Established in 1980

Demong Associate Eyecentre began as a single physician... more

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February 15, 2010

Calgary's premier Surgical Vision Correction Centre featuring laser and lens solutions for those who currently wear glasses or contacts. Your surgeon is fellowship trained corneal specialist, Dr. Thaddeus Demong who uses state of the art technologies to transform your vision. See us today!

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Reviews [1]
2.5 star rating
mcx1000 May 16, 2014
One of the unlucky ones

I have had laser surgery on both eyes before with no problems, in a different city. Then I had my left eye redone with no problems. In both cases, there was almost instant improvement in my sight.

In the summer of 2013, I had my right eye redone at this clinic. The result was terrible.

My left eye was strong on far sight, and my right was strong on near sight. I wanted to increase my far sight vision on my right eye, so I went to this clinic for the procedure. The procedure cost quite a bit more, as it was treated before. Right away, I knew something was wrong. Very poor near sight and very poor far sight. I waited a week and no improvement. Even the optometrist was silent every time I went in for the required follow ups.
Eventually I went back to this clinic and a tech spent 45 seconds testing my vision and wrote down that I had 20/30 vision. A different doctor came in then, since the one who completed my procedure was not available. She asked why there was a problem, and I told her how I can't see near or far and that 45 second eye test was not accurate, I can guess what the letters are during the eye test, just by the blurry shape.

So later that month, I did get to see the original doctor and he indicated that there was abnormal cell growth and that is why I can't see and they will have to do another procedure. My vision was bad from the minute I left the procedure room, so this theory indicates that cells instantly grew after the procedure to wreck my vision.
I had the second procedure and my far vision is a little better but my near vision is extremely poor. I need reading glasses to do anything. I need them for my job, shopping, using a computer, plugging anything in, and of course reading.
I basically went in with vision that was not too bad to ending up with wearing reading glasses most of the time. The reason I originally had laser vision was to not have glasses.

I might have believed the story about cell growth if it wasn't for a few things. I have had my eyes done twice before as I indicated and the great results were almost instant. This time, instantly bad results, so I don't believe the abnormal cell growth story. Before the procedure they put a name tag on my right side. The staff told me they do that so no mistake is made, correct person on the correct eye. Were there previous incidents where mistakes were made?
When I entered the procedure room, the nurse said to me, "So today we are working on the left eye". I said "No..., my right eye is being treated". So now I am convinced they used the wrong procedure setting on the equipment, as how could my vision end up being so wrong.
I've spent thousands of dollars on the procedure, losing wages for taking time off work and expensive optometrist visits to end up with worse vision. My quality of life has gone way down.

Now this clinic has not abandoned me. I still have another visit and there was talk of a more invasive procedure, but I think I have had it with the procedures which have wrecked my vision. Maybe that was the plan after all; wait me out as it has been 10 months now and I am ready to just suffer with my poor vision.

I'm sure 95% of the people who have visited this clinic have walked out with great vision, but sadly, not me.

Other Reviews from the web
Best medical & health care service!
February 15, 2010

Demong Associate Eyecenter is nominated by patients as Calgary's best medical & health care service in the Calgary Choice Awards. www.calgarychoiceawards.ca/vote.asp

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2.5 star rating
Dr. Demong is a renowned surgeon, however, i believe there is more to eye care than just skills.
September 21, 2009

I have not been to another ophthalmologist clinic, so this may be an unfair assessment. However, over the 5-year period of visiting there on a regular basis, the average waiting time can be noted as 1 hour and more. There have been occasions where I waited nearly 2 hours for a 5 minute time with the doctor to look at my eye. In the initial stages of my visits, Dr. Demong showed concern and... more

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Business Description from the Web
August 05, 2014

Calgary's premier Surgical Vision Correction Centre featuring laser and lens solutions for those who currently wear glasses or contacts. Your surgeon is fellowship trained corneal specialist, Dr. Thaddeus Demong who uses state of the art technologies to transform your vision. See us today!

Brought to you by n49

October 24, 2013

Calgary's leading experts in Laser Eye Surgery and Lens Surgery.

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