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3.5 stars 3 reviews

Beertown Public House

75 King St S
Waterloo, ON  N2J 1P2

(519) 885-5151

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Information from the business
August 14, 2014

Beertown is the destination for the instinctively curious. It fuels the fascination for all things purposefully crafted, whether that's beer, cuisine or design. Our guests know that life is too short for the ordinary. With 30 beers on tap and about 100 in a bottle, there is a beer for everyone. Our chefs have taken as much time as the brewers to craft everything that goes on each plate. We look... more

Brought to you by opentable

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Other Reviews from the web
3.5 star rating
February 16, 2016

This was a decently good place - my first bar back in Canada, from teaching in China for about a half year. The decor was not quite my thing, same with the food, they were going for more trendy stuff. Great if that's what you're into. That said, the food was decent for what it was, Though a bit pricier than I'm used to in Windsor. The beer and selection was good, but I just got a bottle of... more

Brought to you by beeradvocate

3.5 star rating
September 15, 2014

I would like to give this place a slightly higher rating simply because it is doing a better job then a lot of places in the area. But at the end of the day the food is decent, a bit pricey, the beer selection is decent (good by Waterloo standards) but also pricey. Compared with a typical gastropub in the US it falls short. Despite that it is definitely in the top 5 places in KW for better or... more

Brought to you by beeradvocate

3.5 star rating
June 14, 2014

I live in the region and while there are better places, there are no better large places. The problem with it is simply that it is owned by the charcoal group who do not take risks in terms of profits, so the beer for the most part is all the sort that sells fast. There is a ton of lagers and international lagers, and not enough craft, but there is still a good amount of craft. There is a huge... more

Brought to you by beeradvocate

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