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Airways Brake & Muffler

1936 30 Ave NE
Calgary, AB  T2E 7B2

(403) 291-1951

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Derrick Y April 26, 2013
Dishonest, Irresponsible, Uncaring

On Tuesday April 23, 2013, I brought my car in for annual Rust Proofing Service at this shop. I got my car back and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.

I have a vehicle dash camera that records video and audio of what is in front of the car. I looked at my video later that night, and to my dismay, the owner Azim Mitha had driven my car up the ramp to the point where he stops after you hear a loud scraping sound of the underside of my car against their ramp. He backs up, and his Guider puts a wood block in front of the ramp in an attempt to raise my car up. On the 2nd attempt driving up there is an even louder impact as my car impacts their ramp. He stops, the guider urges him forward and my car scrapes some more. As he exits my car, You can hear him say in the background "Needs another board. Too high. Do you have another board?".

As any person who values their property, I immediately go outside and look at what damage he has caused. I immediately notice that the front edge of my car's lip is scraped down to the black plastic through the 3M protection film and silver paint. I also notice scrapes all along the underside of the lip.

The next day, I spoke with the owner, and his defense is that his Diamond plate metal ramp could not have scraped my lip. His odd excuse is that is is not abrasive and anything will just slide across. First, that does not explain the loud impact of the front of my car against the ramp which was what damaged the front edge of my lip, plus the scraping noise audible in the video. He offers out of admittance of guilt or to make me go away, $50. He says to take him to court as he will not pay me more than that. He also admits that he should not even put my car up on their hoist.

As any business that should act ethical, and do what is right for the customer he should have initially let me know that he damaged my car. He also should have offered to fix the damage in full and own up to full responsibility of his actions when I confronted him. Doing what is right and being an honest shop is NOT what this company values at all. This is why I am giving my review of my experience.

I hope others think about putting themselves in my shoes, and think about how they treat customer's vehicles, and that they will do nothing when something goes wrong. How would you feel if this was your own car? Do you think about going to this shop or continue to do so?

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Business Description from the Web
July 21, 2013

Airways Brake & Muffler offers these services: muffler, automobile, automobile repair, car care, mufflers.

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