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What's Weblocal.ca all about?

Weblocal.ca is an online business directory.

With the highest growth rate in Canada*. Weblocal.ca allows your potential customers to find your business based on the location and the products and services they are looking for, that simple.

Let Weblocal.ca help you grow your business!

Increased visibility

As a member with an "Premium Content" profile page, you will be boosted in search results. You will be guaranteed a premium placement in the "Weblocal.ca recommends" section and your listing will appear on your competitors' profiles. These features will ensure your business will stand out and that customers looking for your type of products and services are directed to your profile page.

Enriched Content

As a member, you can add a corporate video, a link to your website, promotional material, your business information, and much more. These features will help convert potential clients who find your business online into actual customers.

Why should you advertise online?

  • 78% of the Canadian population has access to the Internet.
  • 75% of people consult an online directory to find local businesses.
  • 55% of people who discover a local business online recommend it to friends and family.
  • 70% of consumers value and trust reviews posted on the Internet.
*Source: comScore Inc., All locations - Canada

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